Beta is live, and Ani is talking to your neighbors. is training our virtual agent in live installation appointments in select cities. Register to receive a notification when we’re in your city, or to book a discovery meeting with Ani, a human, or both

Libertyville, Illinois


Arlington, Texas


Las Vegas, Nevada


Let’s meet and make it happen.

CI Sales Agent with Human help

Ani is gonna kill it, but like all intelligent life forms, she’s going to need some time to get her (virtual) feet under her. If you’d like to experience a new way to explore solar, and help train the world’s first (and best) virtual solar expert in the process, we’ll make it worth your while.

Carbon-based Sales Agent

Whether you choose to work with Ani, or your prefer your interactions to be 100% carbon-based, we’re going to pass our operational savings on to you. So don’t fret if you’re not the early adopting type, that’s okay. Ani can’t get her feelings hurt, and she’ll catch you next time around. In the meantime, we’ve got the industry’s best humans waiting to help you out.